10 Steps For A Food Safe Of The Infant And Small Child In Emergencies


1. Clear and precise guidelines for regulating food children in disaster situations communicated to all health workers, responsible for collection centers and hostels, they should be visible in all these centers and be promoted through the available means of communication. These clearly indicate the magnified risks involved in feeding infants and small children with bottles and breast milk substitutes, as well as the protective effect of breastfeeding.

2. Immediately identify expectant mothers and nursing mothers, as well as to children under three years, in order to establish immediately a strategy of social, medical and food protection, under constant supervision.

3. Promote that all children under six months are breastfed exclusively. If the conditions of the disaster are critical, it is preferable to extend breastfeeding for a longer period dragged on.

4. Prevent the purchase, donation and / or distribution of baby bottles and substitutes for breast milk substitutes.

5. Provide technical and emotional support to mothers who present Some difficulty to breastfeed and those who wish to relactate.
6. Establish specific guidelines so that the small number of infants who need artificial feeding or those who previously of the disaster they were not being breastfed they can access the substitutes of breast milk and all the necessary elements for these to be prepared and administered in a hygienic and appropriate manner under the supervision of health workers.

7. Ensure the strict application of guidelines when used artificial lactation, which should contemplate the following:
a) The formula must have a generic presentation;
b) A timely supply must be ensured in adequate quantities, for as long as necessary;
c) The instructions for their preparation should be clear and graphic to instruct on its proper preparation;
d) Graphic demonstrations should be conducted to the mother or the person caring for the infant on their proper preparation;
e) The formula should be administered in glasses, never in bottles;
f) You must provide soap, clean water and fuel for the preparation of the formula;
g) Whenever possible, the formula should be prepared in centers of food.

8. Continuous monitoring of the state of health and nutrition of the infants, young children and their mothers. In case the baby sick or not present weight gain, should be reviewed the technique of breastfeeding or, where appropriate, artificial feeding.

9. Ensure the availability and adequate preparation of food healthy complementary foods for children who reach or exceed six months of age. Breastfeeding should not be suspended breast.

10. Monitor the strict application of the International Code for the Marketing of Breast Milk substitutes and avoiding interference of any person with conflicts of interest.